Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Don't forget your bike or scooter and helmet tomorrow for our Thursday Bike Day!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Water Day!

Wednesdays are Water Day at Camp BLAST, weather permitting, of course! Come to camp dressed in your bathing suit and have sunscreen already put on so that we can get started before it gets too hot. Don't forget your change of clothes, too. We'll have lots of fun in the water!

Wednesday Water Day Fun

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Nature Bracelets and Clouds in a Bottle

Nature Rocks!

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Get ready for more nature fun today. Be sure and wear appropriate camp clothing, especially closed toed shoes. We will be venturing outside for a fitness trail around Woodland's campus and then back inside to cool off with a visit from Lichterman Nature Center!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 5 of BLAST Summer Camp

Hi everyone! We left the beach and the beautiful deep blue sea and are now headed to discover nature on land. Wooooh- It is HOT! So be sure to drink plenty of water this week while we trek outside to discover nature. (Water will be provided when outside and most activities will be inside. Our imaginations will help us to beat the heat.) We will go on a fitness trail around Woodland's campus, make clouds in a jar, visit with our animal friends from Lichterman and Happy Times Petting Zoo and so much more. Look back for pictures from this fun filled week.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Week 4 of BLAST Summer Camp

This week at BLAST we will explore the deep blue sea. We do not live close to the beach but we sure can imagine what it is like at the edge of our earth. Let's dive into the deep and take a look at sea creatures that are amazing. See you soon!

We love camp and ULTIMATE FRISBEE!

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Rainbow Cookies and Water Balloon Painting!

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